Collaborating on this book has given us the opportunity to explore our ideas not only with each other but with literally hundreds of people-students and colleagues, friends, relatives, acquaintances, even strangers at the next cafe table.

And after having worked out all of the consequences we could think of, for philosophy and for linguistics, what stands out most in our minds are the metaphors themselves and the insights they have given us into our own daily experiences.

We still react with awe when we notice ourselves and those around us living by metaphors like TIME IS MONEY, LOVE IS A JOURNEY, and PROBLEMS ARE PUZZLES.

We continually find it important to realize that the way we have been brought up to perceive our world is not the only way and that it is possible to see beyond the "truths" of our culture.

But metaphors are not merely things to be seen beyond.

In fact, one can see beyond them only by using other metaphors. It is as though the ability to comprehend experience through metaphor were a sense, like seeing or touching or hearing, with metaphors providing the only ways to perceive and experience much of the world.

Metaphor is as much a part of our functioning as our sense of touch, and as precious.

上次更新: 2/27/2023, 6:14:45 PM